Coming from the place of “having been there”, my approach to consulting others about cultic involvement is free from judgement and I hold a confidential container of respect and compassion for each individual, family or organization. 

The emotional and cognitive impact of cultic involvement is complex, nuanced and unique to each person and situation. It is common to experience despair, overwhelm and anger when manipulation or coercion is recognized. For individuals, this emotional dissonance can sometimes lead the person into another abusive situation as they seek solace before reckoning with the one they left. Another common response is to withdraw or simply ‘move on’. Whatever the history or coping responses used, I approach each situation with gentleness, while offering concrete resources that support integration and comprehension.

Janja Lalich, Ph.D, researcher, author, and educator specializing in cults and extremist groups, strongly advises a psycho-educational approach to cult recovery. My work is educational in nature but dovetails well with therapy. 

My education consultation work is typically short-term or as-needed, ranging from one or two sessions up to a year, depending on the complexity of the situation. Using a big-picture approach, I work with what IS and bring compassion, cognition and a wide variety of tools to the table, supporting people to discover the path to recovery that best suits their life. 


For people who have experienced cultic involvement, consultation involves one-on-one meetings via zoom or in person. These sessions are an opportunity for experiences to be voiced and put into the larger perspective of patterns of cultic abuse. Whether the involvement took place recently or decades ago, this process supports the integration of complex and traumatic experiences, and furthers self understanding and compassion. 


Witnessing a loved one fall into a controlling group can be devastating. In their efforts to help, they sometimes inadvertently create further alienation. Cultic environments actively strive to rupture healthy family ties because their goal is to become the “chosen family.” Family consultation work provides support - specific to their loved ones experience - that builds and maintains bridges, re-establishing the link between the pre-cult identity with the family members. Entire families and close friends can be invited into the consultations. Hopefully, the one who is in a cultic environment will eventually feel safe enough to also engage in the compassionate, educational process so they can begin their cult recovery. 


Cult consultations begin with a commitment to transparency and a willingness to engage honestly on leadership and membership levels. I believe any group or organization has the potential to develop cultic tendencies, often unconsciously, employing controlling techniques that in the long run, will only undermine the entire system. Through educational consultation with leadership, members and all involved, the “easy fix'' of an authoritarian or power over approach can be identified and options for employing ethical leadership will be explored. This work is most effective if the organization is also engaged with a professional mediator. 

*see custom workshops