
Drawing on a wide variety of educational resources, I customize workshops for schools, training centers, college campuses, etc. My approach is to provide opportunities where participants can directly experience the human traits that make us vulnerable to either being unduly influenced and/or unconsciously promote power-over leadership that become cultic if not checked. Much of this content exists beneath common awareness. The aim of these workshops is to awaken a compassionate lens into the human condition that includes our innate vulnerabilities while also  inspiring discernment and critical thinking, which in turn helps one to recognize and prevent engagement in harmful groups. 

Below are two examples of such workshops but they can be adapted to any situation.

Power and Empowerment for Youth and Young Adults:

The need for discernment in group participation is essential for adolescents and emerging adults. Destructive cultic groups target 15-25 year olds for recruitment - using their natural optimism, curiosity and openness as a tool to garner their trust. 

Learning the signs of destructive or controlling groups is only the beginning of these workshops. Designed to engage students through experiential exercises, participants will learn how humans think (and don't think) and develop skills of discernment on how to safely interact with a group that might look really good but could lead to a loss of autonomy instead of empowerment.

Power & Empowerment in Yoga Communities:
A workshop for yoga teachers to reckon with Cult Culture 

Empowerment is the essence of what yoga teachers want for students: promoting self-confidence and inspiring a grounded connection with body, mind and spirit. However, there are many examples of abuse of power in yoga centers across the globe. How does this happen? Power dynamics are inherent in teacher-student relationships, making it essential for yoga teachers to understand the complex and nuanced dynamics of hierarchy, projection, and the vulnerability that brings each student into their class. This workshop is designed to shed light on power dynamics that exist in all yoga communities (whether we are conscious of them or not) and empower teachers through tools, techniques and increased personal understanding to create yoga environments imbued with reciprocity, integrity and healing.


“I found the discussion of Cult Culture eye opening - it helped me understand the difference between being part of a good team and one that wants a little more from you, and how your good group can go bad. How power and control, guilt and shame, can enter slowly over time and you don’t even realize it until you are deep inside, committed heart and soul.  It can happen to any of us, it is only human to want to belong. This workshop made us aware, showed us the warning signs.In my humble opinion, Gerette’s Cult Culture class should be part of every yoga teacher training.”

~YTT Trainee, April 2019